Once you have claimed your tokens, why not stake them directly to hope for a better ROI 🤫

Step 1: Access the staking site

Go to **https://stake.aethir.com/**

Step 2: Connect your wallet

Click on Connect Wallet


Step 3: Wrap the ATH into veATH

Click on Wrap / Unwrap and enter the amount you want to stake



<aside> 📌 WARNING: Beware of gas charges! This is a 4-step process: accept, wrap, accept, stake. For each of the 4 transactions there are fees to pay. So when you start the process, be ready to see it through!


Step 4: Choose the staking domain

You can stake

either in Gaming


or either in AI


Step 5: Choose the staking period

This is the period over which you want to stake: 1 week, 1 month, 1 year, 3 years, 4 years....
